I would listen for the change event of the parent component (TN has
one, I assume Accordian is the same) and just track if its the first
time a component has become active. You could also listen for the
creationComplete event of each child, though I am not sure of the
specifics off the top of my head to access the yet-to-be-created
children's creationComplete events.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "dave_defusion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I'm trying to add something into a panel in an accordion, I'm using
> the FlexEvent.SHOW to add the contents once the panel is displayed
> (this works pretty much everywhere else - e.g. a tab navigator). In my
> case trying to add the contents to a non visible element doesn't work
> (as I'm trying to get bitmap data), so I have to wait until they're
> visible before I can add my stuff. 
> But in the Accordion it appears the FlexEvent.SHOW isn't fired the
> first time a panel is shown (the event listener added to the VBox that
> wraps panels content) -- it's fired the second time the panel is shown
> but never on the first time. I've tried listening for
> FlexEvent.INITIALIZE but that seems to be firing a little too early
> for what I'm doing.
> Basically all I need to know is as soon as a given panels content is
> displayed. I'd like a one solution fits all so for tab navigators etc.
> I only want to add my content when a non visible element becomes
> visible, but failing that I can add a specific workaround (if it's
> possible) to make it handle accordions different.
> Any ideas?
> Hope that makes sense.
> -D

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