have you tried using myCombo.selectedItem = aTextValue?

I don't know if that works, I'm just suggesting it is worth a try.

Painful experience of a change of the textual value from one string to
another has led me to encapsulating domain values like these into a
separate list and only storing their ordinals rather than their values.  

If you do that it has the added advantage that you can just use the
ordinal value in the combo rather than having to loop.

There was a similar thread recently...

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "danielvlopes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hello everybody, i want make a sugestion for Adobe Flex Team, and i
> know some members of Flex team participate here, in my projects when i
> use combobox to recover data from database and selected item of this
> combo must be set to the data recorded in database i do loops in
> entire dataprovider to find the value and your index to use
> selectedIndex to receive this index.
> This is very common when you use combo to add and edit data in
> database and i think everybody need this, why adobe don't incorpore
> some new method in next release for do this? Something like
> setSelectedLabe(label:String) ...

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