Check out mx:states, that's one solution.  Define one state with your
control visible and another with it invisible and the rest of the
controls moved up a bit.  This can be done in the design view in flex

Another way would be to put all your moving controls on a canvas with
positions relative to its top left corner and then just move the whole
canvas up.

--- In, "katherine_enos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a check box for a user to check to change the visibility of a
> control from false to true. After the user causes the invisible
> control to be revealed, I'd like to move all succeeding interface
> elements down the page so that their "y" coordinate increases by the
> height of the newly visible control. 
> There are numerous components that will require moving and it seems a
> bit laborious to write a line of code to increase the "y" value for
> each one. Is there a simple way to cause this to happen in the .mxml
> Thanks.
> Katherine

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