
It should be:-

click="tempXML.send ()"


On Jan 10, 2008 11:24 PM, markcavins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   I have also tried to change the way that I get the data to
> Code:
> <mx:HTTPService id="tempXML"
> url="
> mp;format=xml&amp;opstatus=defect&amp;rand=12345645647<>
> "
> ></mx:HTTPService>
> <mx:TileList dataProvider="{tempXML.asset.fleet}"
> width="344" backgroundColor="#000000" color="#ff0000" fontSize="27"
> borderColor="#000000" columnWidth="300" rowHeight="50"
> themeColor="#808080" fontWeight="bold" allowMultipleSelection="true"
> id="TileList1" height="0" y="202" x="178"/>
> <mx:Button label="Refresh Page Now" height="27" fillAlphas="[1.0,
> 1.0]" fillColors="[#030000, #030000, #474545, #474545]"
> borderColor="#DCDEDF" click="HTTPService.send()"/>
> but now I'm getting 2 errors
> 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method send through a reference
> with static type Class.
> 1119: Access of possibly undefined property asset through a reference
> with static type mx.rpc.http.mxml:HTTPService.
> I am trying to find the reason for that problem it seems it doesn't
> like the services being used with the TileList. Still trying to see
> what's going on now.


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