
Write yourself a custom renderer for the data points in your chart
which traps the start of the drag.  Add drag and drop handlers to your
chart.  On drop inspect what is being dropped and where the drop
happened, convert into data coordinates, update the data accordingly
and refresh your chart.

All the drag drop stuff is very well documented.  Converting from
screen to data is possible on your chart via several mechanisms.  Data
binding should take care of refreshing your chart.


--- In, "nasawebguy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can you drag n' drop OR "move" a data point from one place to another
> inside a chart and have it update the chart and dataprovider?
> For example, if my x-axis is date, and a datapoint sits at 1/9/2008,
> and the user moves that datapoint to 2/9/2009, the chart/dataProvider
> would update the new date for the selectedItem?
> Thanks,
> Don

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