Hello PS,

I responded to this two days ago and the reply hasn't shown up yet, so
I apologize if this eventually comes up as a dupe.

If you ever want to know how to do something in actionscript, take
your mxml example and put it in a project.  Then goto project ->
properties -> flex compiler, and add -keep-generated-actionscript into
the field for additional compiler arguments.  Now, when the compiler
converts mxml to actionscript, the actionscript source will appear in
the 'generated' folder.

Along with using the generated code for examples, take a look at this
resource; it explains how everything fits together:

The gist of it is
1) Create new effect
2) set up from and to properties.
3) listen for a certain event to be dispatched
4) intercept that event, then play your effect

Hope this helps.  If you're still having issues, post some examples of
your source.  You may be making things more complicated than they need
to be.

-Nick Matelli
Amentra, Inc

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, learner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi all,
> what would I do if I have to set a resize effect to my custom
> My component is in as file and is getting added to a mxml using addChild
> method.
> So I can not do something like this :
> <MyComp resizeEffect="Resize"/>
> Is there any way to achieve same thing in as components ?
> Any help is greatly appreciated.
> Regards
> PS

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