is that a test server or online since IE has some restrictions if it is local

----- Original Message ----
From: markcavins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 4:56:04 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] Problems with IE and refreshing data


I have this app that was refreshing data in development but now once I
deploy it to my server I am not getting the data to refresh in
IE(6/7). In FF every thing updates and resends to the server just
fine. Here is the code that makes it work.

the httpservice


<mx:HTTPService id="tempXML" resultFormat= "e4x"
result="onResult( event)" 
url="http://mysite. net/info_ wrapper.php? customer={customer.text} 
&amp;username= {username. text}&amp; password= {password. text}"

<mx:TileList dataProvider= "{_xlcMyListData }" labelField=" fleet"
left="35" right="15"
width="350" backgroundColor= "#000000" color="#ff0000" fontSize="27"
borderColor= "#000000" columnWidth= "315" rowHeight="50"
themeColor=" #808080" fontWeight=" bold" allowMultipleSelect ion="true" 
id="TileList1" height="0" y="202" x="178"/>

The Updater script


import mx.collections. XMLListCollectio n;

private var _xlcMyListData: XMLListCollectio n;

private function onResult(Event: ResultEvent) :void {
var xmlResult:XML = XML(Event.result) ;
_xlcMyListData = new XMLListCollection( xmlResult. .asset);

The refresh button

<mx:Button label="Refresh Page Now" height="27" fillAlphas=" [1.0,
1.0]" fillColors=" [#030000, #030000, #474545, #474545]"
borderColor= "#DCDEDF" click="tempXML. send();"/ >

Any Ideas?

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