Sherif, thanks for your comments. It only work once you release the 

I would like to stop it at 50, doesn't allow user to slide any more 
to right.

Is that possible?

Thank you

right, but you still can slide it to 100.

--- In, Sherif Abdou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> off the top of my head, you can prob check if it is at 50 and just 
keep setting the value at 50, havent tested it
> if(mySlider.value >=50){
>     mySlider.value=50
> }
> and then to allow it to one hundred, you can just 
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: flexawesome <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 4:42:42 PM
> Subject: [flexcoders] Stop slide greater than 50 in HSlider 
> Hey therem,
> Is there a way to stop user to slide greater than 50, but user still
> can see rest tracker on the right side.
> After running other code, I would like to despatch it and allow user
> slide to 100.
> <mx:HSlider minimum="0" maximum="100" />
> Is that possible? 
> Thank you for your comments.
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