Hi, I have a Cartesian chart and I have the horizontal axis renderer
set to canDropLabels to true. I am reading my category axis from a
file and in certain cases when I resize my window, all labels seem to
be dropped. If I set my category axis from inside my flex app instead
of relying on the xml file, it seems to drop labels just fine. Here is
some sample code showing the problem

I've tried this in flex 2.01 hotfix 3. Is there something I'm doing
wrong? Is this a bug in flex?



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

     <value x="12 AM">123</value>
     <value x="1 AM">123</value>
     <value x="2 AM">143</value>
     <value x="3 AM">133</value>
     <value x="4 AM">123</value>
     <value x="5 AM">153</value>
     <value x="6 AM">173</value>
     <value x="7 AM">133</value>
     <value x="8 AM">123</value>
     <value x="9 AM">153</value>
     <value x="10 AM">173</value>
     <value x="11 AM">143</value>
     <value x="12 AM">123</value>
     <value x="1 PM">173</value>
     <value x="2 PM">123</value>
     <value x="3 PM">153</value>
     <value x="4 PM">173</value>
     <value x="5 PM">133</value>
     <value x="6 PM">123</value>
     <value x="7 PM">153</value>
     <value x="8 PM">173</value>
     <value x="9 PM">143</value>
     <value x="10 PM">0</value>
     <value x="11 PM">0</value>

And the application

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
layout="absolute" creationComplete="httpService.send()">

             import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
             import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
             import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;

             [Bindable] public var resultArray:ArrayCollection = new

             [Bindable] private var categoryArray : ArrayCollection = new
ArrayCollection(['12 AM','1 AM','2 AM','3 AM',
'4AM','5AM','6AM','7AM','8 AM','9 AM','10 AM','11 AM','12 PM','1 PM','2
PM','3 PM','4PM','5 PM','6 PM','7 PM','8 PM','9 PM','10 PM','11 PM']);

             private function doResult(event : ResultEvent) : void {

                 resultArray = event.result.series.value;


     <mx:HTTPService id="httpService" url="test.xml"

     <mx:CartesianChart id="columnchart1" width="100%" height="100%"

         <!-- uncomment this horizontal axis to use the category array
defined in flex. -->
             <mx:CategoryAxis dataProvider="{categoryArray}"/>

         <!-- This horizontal axis relies on the category fields as
defined in the xml file -->
             <mx:CategoryAxis categoryField="x"/>

             <mx:AxisRenderer canDropLabels="true" canStagger="false"/>

             <mx:ColumnSeries  yField="value"/>



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