* The Static Image that we want to use
public static var image:Class;
private function initApp():void{
* Create the image class since it is a DisplayObject
* and add it to wherever u want
var TempImage:DisplayObject= new image();

----- Original Message ----
From: lytvynyuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 11:24:23 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Embedded image and static variable problem.....

I have problem to bind image to static var

my piece of code is:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]('/images/ image.png' )]
public static var image:Class;

getting exception:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object 
    at support::PublicCons tants$/get voipguardImage( )[W:\jboss- 4.0.5\server\ 
default\deploy\ ISP.war\isp_ flex\support\ PublicConstants. as:117]
    at support::PublicCons tants$cinit( )
    at global$init( )[W:\jboss- 4.0.5\server\ default\deploy\ ISP.war\isp_ 
flex\support\ PublicConstants. as:5]
    at isp_flex/initApplic ation()[W: \jboss-4. 0.5\server\ default\deploy\ 
ISP.war\isp_ flex\isp_ flex.mxml: 66]
    at isp_flex/___ isp_flex_ Application1_ initialize( )[W:\jboss- 
4.0.5\server\ default\deploy\ ISP.war\isp_ flex\isp_ flex.mxml: 6]
    at flash.events: :EventDispatcher /dispatchEventFu nction()
    at flash.events: :EventDispatcher /dispatchEvent( )

Any ideas why?

Also how to make something like array of embedded images:

var images:Array = [ @Embed('/images/ image1.png' ) , @Embed('/images/ 
image2.png' ), @Embed('/images/ image3.png' )]

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