Are you seeing this problem in Flex 2 or Flex 3?
Gordon Smith
Adobe Flex SDK Team


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of luke_lee1124
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 5:41 PM
Subject: [flexcoders] The limit of [ResourceBundle] and @Embed

Hi, All, I asked this question before but now, i can explain it more

I am using [ResourceBundle] as following:

public var rb:ResourceBundle;

[ResourceBundle("EmbeddedClassesBundle")] //english version
public var rb1:ResourceBundle;

[ResourceBundle("EmbeddedClassesBundle_sp")] //spanish version
public var rb2:ResourceBundle;

[ResourceBundle("EmbeddedClassesBundle_ge")] //german version
public var rb3:ResourceBundle;

and i also have two image controls in main application:

<mx:Image id="image2" source = "@Embed(source='assets/btn_sales.png')"
<mx:Image id="image3" source =
"@Embed(source='assets/btn_training.png')" />

it works, but my problem is when i adding one more resourcebundle, such
[ResourceBundle("EmbeddedClassesBundle_cn")] //chinese version
public var rb4:ResourceBundle;

the image2 or image3 will not display, but if image2 and image3 are
not using embeded assets, they can display without problem.

what is more instersting, when i add rb5 for japanese version, 

neither image2 or image3 will display.

It seems like we cannot use too many [resoucebundle] and @Embed in one



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