Basically, to make any changes to the data in the datagrid you just
need to make changes to the dataProvider you specified. Say, if it was
an ArrayCollection, then you would just update the array collection.
Then you would want to send the changes back to the server using an
HTTPService, RemoteObject, or other call to the server and process the
call with some server side scripting.

Here's a few good tutorials:

Hope that helps,
-- William

--- In, "andrew_sinning" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been working with Flash in AS2 for quite a while, but so far I've
> only just worked through the tutorials in Flex.  The examples show how
> to display xml data.  Now I need to modify data, add records (nodes),
> and post changes back to the server.
> In one of the examples, the data in an rss feed is displayed in a
> DataGrid.  When you select a row in the DataGrid a detail about the
> selectedItem are displayed in a TextArea using data-binding.
> Let's assume that the data is something other than an RSS feed, e.g. a
> list of dogs at a kennel.
> So, how do I make changes to the text in the TextArea get bound back
> to the selectedItem in the DataGrid?
> How do I add a new item to the data in the DataGrid?
> How do I push these changes back to the server?
> I know I'm asking a lot, but I'm itching to get started and I'm just
> stuck.
> Thanks!

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