ActionScript doesn't have multi-dimentional arrays, but you can get
the equivelent by having arrays where each element is and array to
arbitrary depth.  Also for associative arrays you should use generic
objects.  So you can do the following:

var my3DArray:Object = {};  //this creates a new empty dynamic object
my3DArray["1992"] = new Object(); //equivelent to {} take your pick
my3DArray["1992"]["Feburary"] = []; or new Array()creates an new array
my3dArray["1992"]["Feburary"][0] = someValue;


if you don't know if a key exists yet you can do
if (! (month in my3DArray[year]))
{  my3DArray[year][month] = {}; //create it if it doesnt exist

--- In, "hworke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Hello,
>   I need to create a 3D array, first two dimensions
>   are associative arrays and the 3rd one is indexed.
>   Here is what I am trying to do:
>   myArray["1992"]["February"] -- this will generate an
>   array of objects which will be used as dataprovider
>   for my chart.
>   BTW the number of elements are unknown, the number
>   of Associative string are also unknown, so I do have
>   to create the array dynamically. Please suggest or
>   point me to an example. The example in
>   was not enough for my inquiry.
>   Regards....

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