Hi duds where do you get the code colors from ?

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Sherif Abdou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> my bad, i for some reason sent it to flexComponents instead instead 
of flexcoders so sorry for double post
> i am just wondering if this is how it usually gets used
> /**
> * Used to Determine whether or not there was a change in the Close 
> */
> private var _closePolicyChanged:Boolean;
> /**
> * Internal Value for the ClosePolicy so we can react
> * accordingly
> */
> private var _closePolicy:String;
> [Inspectable
(defaultValue="close_always",enumeration="close_always , 
close_rollover , close_never, close_selected")]
> public function set closePolicy(value:String):void{
> _closePolicy=value;
> _closePolicyChanged=true;
> this.invalidateProperties();
> dispatchEvent(new Event("closePolicyChanged"));
> }
> [Bindable(event="closePolicyChanged")]
> public function get closePolicy():String{
> return _closePolicy;
> }
> /**
> * Create the CommitProperties so we determine if there is a need
> * to change the closePolicy Buttons
> */
> override protected function commitProperties():void{
> super.commitProperties();
> if(_closePolicyChanged){
> invalidateDisplayList();
> _closePolicyChanged=false;
> }
> }
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