What type of channel/endpoint are you using between the client and

If you're using RTMP, that protocol currently has a maximum underlying
chunk size of 10M. If you're trying to return more than this amount of
data in a single result the player will actually terminate the
connection. AMF serialization handles the result object graph in a
single pass, so there's no way to auto-magically split a serialized
result that's larger than this out into separate result messages/chunks.

If this is what you're running into, you can work around it by fetching
your data set to the client in smaller pages, where each page doesn't
approach this size limit individually. Or use one of the HTTP-based
channels/endpoints which don't impose this resource limit.

Or, as others have mentioned, for the use cases you have that require
huge data sets on the client, try to compute a slimmer result on the
server if that's reasonable rather than pulling your entire domain, or
large portions of it, down to the client at once. Say you're wanting to
generate a graph of 10K data points - rather than pulling down all 10K
full objects, you could make a separate remote object call to the server
to a method that just pulled out the specific property you're graphing
from the database and returns a simple list of those values. Granted, if
you're plotting or processing most of the properties in these objects
this type of optimization would make much less sense.



From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Luke Vanderfluit
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2008 12:34 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] DataGrid limit on amount of records or data?

Hi Alex.

Thanks very very much for responding.

Alex Harui wrote:
> The only limit should be the amount of memory, not some number. What 
> problem did you see when you got above 5000?
The problem was that the data simply did not render.
I tested with 2 different datasets, gradually increasing the number of 
rows in the database table.
One dataset rendered correctly up to 4128 rows in the database.
Then increasing the data with one row caused nothing (blank page) to be 
displayed. This was retried with a server (tomcat) restart and without 
in both cases the same result. No errors or debug messages.
The other dataset showed the same behaviour however the cut off point 
was up around 6030 records.
After I had reached the upper limit where no data was displayed ( a 
blank page) I shrunk the data back a few rows in both cases and reloaded

the page with data displaying again.

What do you think?
Shouldnt I be able to display that many rows if I want?

Kind regards.

> ----------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:flexcoders@yahoogroups.com <mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com>
> *On Behalf Of *Luke Vanderfluit
> *Sent:* Saturday, February 09, 2008 4:36 PM
> *To:* flexcoders@yahoogroups.com <mailto:flexcoders%40yahoogroups.com>
> *Subject:* [flexcoders] DataGrid limit on amount of records or data?
> Hi.
> Im using flex with a hibernate backend.
> I have tables in a db that Id like to show using Datagrid.
> I have done tests and found that there is a limit to the number of
> records shown in the datagrid.
> Is this a limitation of the datagrid?
> How do I get around this?
> I currently am able to show around 5000 records.
> When I have tables of say 10000 or 100000 records, how do I show them?
> Thanks.
> Kind regards.
> Luke.


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