Hi all,

I'm not sure if it's a bug, but i created a module and inside it i
have a lot of panels, vbox, and all kind of components. For some
reason when the module loads it was sending to my index page with a
hash symbol like http://mydomain.com/#

Although this wasn't happening when i test localhost it was annoying
me when i upload it to a live server.

I review my whole code and nothing apparently was wrong. Than i start
to remove parts of the code to find the problem. And the moment a take
the TabNavigator off it seems to be work just fine.

Someomen can clarify me why this could be possibly hapenning?

Below the exactly code i remove:

<mx:TabNavigator width="400" height="200" useHandCursor="true"
                                        <mx:VBox label="Panel 1">


                            <mx:VBox label="Panel 2">
                                <mx:Label text="TabNavigator container panel 
                            <mx:VBox label="Panel 3">
                                <mx:Label text="TabNavigator container panel 

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