On Feb 11, 2008, at 1:48 PM, Samuel Neff wrote:

This is more of a player issue than Flex, but we need RTSP support for H264 video. Locking us into FMS for streaming video is a real problem for us and means we can't use Flash video and will have to continue to use Quicktime until there is a solution.

Who knows if that will ever happen. Personally, I do not believe the player will allow for any additional streaming protocols for H.264 anytime soon (just a guess, but I may be wrong). Consider that RTSP is also used by Microsoft and Real Media.

The H.264/AVC codec is a licensed format - including delivery of content encoded in this format. Although Flash Media Server will allow you to stream H.264 content, the licensing for distributing content on that platform is not covered when you purchase FMS.

Whether or not other companies (Wowza) also buck up licensing fees to stream this type of content is yet to be seen.


- j

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