There's a bug on this.  Unfortunately, this didn't make it for Flex 3.
 Voting on bugs is always helpful to let us know what's useful btw.

The bug also includes some ideas on how to implement a workaround to
get it to work.


--- In, "Arpit Mathur" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a popup button on the right extreme of an AIR application.
Its menu
> is a 2/3 submenu level deep. So right now when I rollover a
menuitem, its
> submenu opens on top of it since there is no flash player canvas to the
> right of the menu. Is there a way to get the submenus to open to the
> rather than right ?
> thanks
> -- 
> Arpit Mathur
> Lead Software Engineer,
> Comcast Interactive Media
> ---------------------------------------
> post your flex tips on

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