NativeWindowResize triggers when the application window is resized, 
via dragging or the Maximize/Restore Down button in MS Windows, and I 
don't think this is what you are wanting to use.

Once you find the video size, you should be able to set the 
application size.

Try out this simple code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx=""; 
layout="absolute" height="800" width="600">
                private function resizeApplication():void{
                        var height:Number = 250;
                        var width:Number = 250;
                        this.height = height;
                        this.width = width;
        <mx:Button x="166" y="166" label="Resize Me" 

--- In, "Corban Baxter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Hey guys I am trying to get my AIR app's window to resize to the
> dimensions of the FLV that is being displayed. I am not finding what
> properties i need to use to make this happen. Can some one point me 
> the right direction?
> I have been staring at this:
> trying to make sense of it. But not having much luck. Thanks in 
> var meta:Object = new Object();
> meta.onMetaData = function(meta:Object)
> {
>         video.width = meta.width;
>         video.height = meta.height;
>         NativeWindow.width = meta.width;
>         NativeWindow.height = meta.height;
> }
> ns.client = meta;
> --
> Corban Baxter

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