hi all;

I need to develop a small text editor inside a big flex application. 
call it expression editor.

the user can write javascript, xpath and should be able to add variables 
(variables are taken from Model,so the user does not define variable, 
just add reference).
the code should be colored(or shaped) well and must be easy as possible 
as it can be because the users are not coders. For example, when the 
users wants to call a function, he should select from a drop down list, 
then select the inputs again from comboboxes if possible(but the input 
can itself also be an expression :S). Or when he needs to write an 
XPath, i need to show a tree according to the xsd which will be loaded 
according to the selected function.

to good news is expressions are like function based language codes, so 
no sequential coding;
the bad news is there are too many expressions in the application in 
many places; so this GUI must work as a pop-up one (so need to be lite&fast)

before starting development, i wanted to ask for design ideas and best 

any help is welcome.


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