In my application, I'm using HTTPservice to get data from a
webservice. I receive the data in 'object' format which I'm directly
binding to my controls.

The XML nodes are not expected to have any attributes, so all the
leaves of the XML are assumed to be strings.

For example:

dataItem = event.result.Items.Item;

<mx:TextInput text="{dataItem.color}"/>

The problem I'm facing is that when there are whitespaces in database,
the webservice (VB.NET) adds an attribute xml:space="preserve". This
makes dataItem.color an object with an attribute xml:space instead of
a simple string.

Hope I explained the problem clearly enough. Is there any simple
solution to this problem? Should I be getting the data in XML format
instead and do the conversion to object tree myself? If yes, is there
an easy way to do it while ignoring the xml:space attributes?

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