> - automate the embedding of the pictures at compile time (for info, the
> future SWF will latter show synchronised screenshots with an audio
> recording)

I did this manually with a PHP script (see my blog,
http://troygilbert.com/). If you're using something like ANT you could
stick the PHP script in as an ANT task. My version was a bit more
involved as I needed to be able to query the resulting SWF based on
metadata, so I built a custom class and the PHP script embedded
additional constants and built arrays.

Sounds like you just want to automate the typing and that you'll be
adding additional code to work with the embeds, in which case you'll
probably want to have an ANT task that runs a simpler PHP script (or
any scripting alternative) that generates an include that you then
include into your hand-written class.


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