Custom Compound components with States and Transform:


My question is probably best asked using the standard Log-In example that
seems to be used all over the place.


You have a panel with several components, this panel has states and the
states transform when changed.


Ok, all simple.


Now  take that panel, with its forms and buttons and collect it into a
custom component, based on the Panel Class so its self contained. 


now, the states, are also taken into the custom component.


all is well.


The problem,


How can I set the transforms 'target' to point to the Component it's inside
of? In other words,  say the height of the components was changed using
states, and I wanted to use a resize to  transform the height change. well
I'd need the transform to point to the class itself. 'target=this' that kind
of thing.


Well, I've tried:




and lots of variations of that kind of thing


No joy.


Has anyone else. used States and transforms inside a custom components.







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