I want to reset a scroll bar to the top when returning to a dynamically
populated datagrid in my app. Basically the datagrid displays info about
different students so clicking on a students name in a list takes you to
this datagrid. Problem is if I am looking at the data of one student and
scroll down this info, then leave this section and return as a different
student, the scroll bar is where I left it with the previous student


Here is the code of the relevant section. As no scroll bar is explicitly
coded, I do not know how to ensure it resets.


<mx:VBox width="720" id="tile2" height="190">


            <mx:Repeater id="markSheetRepeater"
dataProvider="{this.markSheetXMLData}" >


xmlItem="{markSheetRepeater.currentItem}" id="markSheetItem">








Btw this is Flexbuilder 2


Thanks in advance



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