On 3/23/08, Jeroen Beckers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> If I want to analyze a list of items, those items must implement the correct
> interface, according to which analyzers you have added to the class. Fe:
> var myClass:AnalyzerBundle = new AnalyzerBundle();
> myClass.addAnalyzer(new HeightAnalyzer());
>  myClass.addAnalyzer(new LevelAnalyzer());
> myClass.analyze(new Array(item1, item2, item3));
> What I am looking for now, is a way to make sure that item1, item2 and item3
> all implement the IHeightItem and ILevelItem interfaces.

There's no compile time way to do this. I would implement a
targetInterface property as part of the IAnalyzer interface.

 interface IAnalyzer
    function get targetInterface():Class;

Then, in the analyze method, I'd verify the items before passing them
to the analyzers. If the verification fails, throw an error.

  public function analyze(list:Array):void
     for each (var item:Object in list)
       for each (var analyzer:IAnalyzer in analyzers)
         if (!(item is analyzer.targetInterface))
           throw new Error("&[EMAIL PROTECTED]");


It also depends on whether your analyzers are supposed to be able to
deal with items that don't implement their iterfaces. Can't they
simply ignore those items?

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