Hi Wayne,

Lots of work was done between Flex 2 and 3 on web service handling by some 
folks on the team that resolved many issues. Unfortunately, the XML Schema, 
WSDL and SOAP specs across their various versions along with the number of 
server-side web service stacks makes exhaustive regression testing a 
significant challenge.

When you, or others, run into issues that are regressions you need to log a bug 
that includes your WSDL and a simple test case and a detailed description of 
the problem here: https://bugs.adobe.com/flex/

The component to log the bug against is RPC: WebService.

If Flex's decoding isn't working for you, the 'e4x' resultFormat gives you an 
opt out, in which case you can implement all the code to work with the raw 
result as you see fit.


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of yoyo ma
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 9:44 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] same code works for flex 2 but not for flex 3 web service 

We got a serious problem when upgrading our application to flex 3. The same 
code works for flex 2 web service call but not for flex 3. The return object is 
not correctly deserilized  when using flex 3 web service call. For example, the 
return object only returns one field intead of all five fields. When I used 
resultFormat as "e4x", the result is correct. However, I still want to use 
"object" as resultFormat as keeping consistance. 
Does anybody have any idea where I should go to solve the problem?
Thanks in advance.
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