Hey Jim,
I am ready to start in on this monkeypatch for disabled days white 
space... but don't know where or how to copy and paste the 
datetimeaxis class.  Can you help me out?  Also, what other specifics 
should I know?  Should I call name it DateTimeAxis?  I assume the 
program will not want two classes with the same name... 
I've taught myself AS and MXML and do custom mxml components but have 
not done a lot of custom classes.
Any direction would be appreciated.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Jim Cheng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's a Flex 3 charting bug alright.  This was originally reported 
> 9 months ago during the beta cycle on the Flex bugbase and was 
> closed by Adobe with a resolution of Cannot Fix for what I believe 
to be 
> a rather spurious reason, see:
> https://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/FLEXDMV-963
> Contrary to what's reported in the comments on that bug, the 
problem is 
> actually not too difficult to fix provided you have access to the 
> code (e.g. using Flex Builder 3 Pro) and are willing to do a little 
> of subclassing or monkey-patching to fix the issue.  Read on if 
> interested.
> The basic problem is that the DateTimeAxis class does not correctly 
> calculate the total space available for charting when disabledDays 
> and/or disabledRanges is enabled.  This is always taken to be the 
> difference between computedMaximum and computedMinimum (as seen in 
> transformCache, buildLabelCache and buildMinorTickCache methods).
> However, this calculation becomes wrong when there are disabled 
> as it yields a total span that's now too large (not accounting for 
> ranges that have been removed).  The visual consequence of this is 
> the chart now appears to be condensed to the left.
> The available space should instead be taken to be the difference 
> computedMaximum and computedMinimum, with the following term also 
> subtracted (in the context of the DateTimeAxis class):
>    dateRangeUtilities.calculateDisabledRange(computedMinimum,
>      computedMaximum);
> This additional term accounts for the space that is removed by the 
> disabled ranges (or days), and consequently allows the chart's axis 
> elements to correctly take up the full available width.
> To make a simple monkey-patch to fix this, you can copy the 
contents of 
> Adobe's DateTimeAxis class into your own class path, doing a search 
> replace on all instances in the file like so (removing quotes and 
> whitespace for formatting):
> Find: "computedMaximum - computedMinimum"
> Replace with: "computedMaximum - computedMinimum -
>    dateRangeUtilities.calculateDisabledRange(computedMinimum,
>    computedMaximum);"
> You can also do this as a subclass, but that's somewhat trickier 
> the methods that you'll need to override make references to a 
number of 
> private variables and methods of DateTimeAxis.
> As an aside, perhaps someone at Adobe might want to consider 
> this patch for possible inclusion into the Flex 3 Charting 
codebase.  I 
> haven't found any other side effects in testing and my own use of 
> change, and it correctly handles the test case from the JIRA bug 
> at the top of message.
> Jim
> buithanhtuu wrote:
> > I'm using chart of flex 3. When I use Linechart with DateTimeAxis
> > tag, in this tag i used property disabledDays = "[6,0]" then 
> > days did not show on chart, but a lot of white space are show at 
> > end of chart. So, the width of line chart is not scale full the 
> > of chart.
> > 
> > I used sample from this link 
> > http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/help.html?
> >  
> > <http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/help.html?
> > 
> > 
> > Could you please help me fix this problem or this is bugs of 
chart in
> >  flex 3 ?

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