For some reason if you put a timer to set the dataprovider it work
just fine.

var loadTimer:Timer = new Timer(1,1);                           
loadTimer.addEventListener("timer", function():void {
barchart.dataProvider = chartdata.item });      

Now.. 1 msecond is what it takes to make it work...


--- In, "Rafael Faria"
> What am i doing wrong? The chart works fine but there is no effect...
> not matter what i do it just doesnt play.
> Can someone help me to apply the Series Slide on this chart?! do i
> have to do something else?
> i set the style but doesnt work =/
> var bss:SeriesSlide = new SeriesSlide();
> bss.duration = 1000;
> bss.direction = "right";
> var bseries:BarSeries = new BarSeries();
> bseries.yField = "yfield";
> bseries.xField = "xfield";
> bseries.setStyle("showDataEffect",bss);
> var barchart:BarChart = new BarChart();
> barchart.percentWidth = 100;
> barchart.percentHeight = 100;
> barchart.showDataTips = true;
> barchart.dataProvider = chartdata.item;
> barchart.series = [bseries];
> var ca:CategoryAxis = new CategoryAxis();
> ca.categoryField = "yfield";
> barchart.verticalAxis = ca;
> addChild(barchart);

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