When working with repeaters, one good technique is to create a custom
object, and repeat that. Pass into that component the entire
dataProvider Item.  It will make the repeater code much cleaner (no
currentItem stuff), plus, if you also implement a getter for the item,
you can access that in an event handler via the target property, no
worrying about getRepeaterItem.  Below is some sample code.



Goal: Display a list of items using a complex display for each item, and
have each of those items behave like a menu element and respond to a
click anywhere on the item by running a handler function.


One solution is to use a Repeater with a custom component


In the main app or component, declare the Repeater, and the click
handler function.

<mx:Application ...


  import MyRepeaterItem;



private function onRPItemClick(oEvent:Event):void


    var xmlItem:XML = XML(oEvent.target);




  <mx:VBox ...>

    <mx:Repeater id="rp" dataProvider="{_xmlData}" ...>

      <!-- Note we pass in the entire currentItem, and define a click
handler  -->

      <MyRepeaterItem xmlItem="{rp.currentItem}"
itemClick="onRPItemClick(event)" .../>





And in the component, MyRepeaterItem.mxml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<mx:HBox mouseChildren="false" buttonMode="true" click="onClick(event)"

  <!-- The metadata tag below allows us to define an itemClick handler
in mxml, as in the code above -->


     [Event(name="itemClick", type="flash.events.Event")]



  [Bindable]private var _xmlItem:XML;


  /** Setter function */

  public function set xmlItem(xml:XML):void  


    _xmlItem = xml;

    //do any special, non-bound ui stuff you want

  }//set xmlItem


  /** Getter function */  

  public function get xmlItem():XML  


    return _xmlItem;

  }//get xmlItem



  /** Outer VBox Click handler function */  

  private function onClick():void 


    dispatchEvent(new Event("itemClick",false); //we do not need/want
this event to bubble




  <!-- Now declare the Item UI -->

  <mx:Text id="lbDescription" text="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
width="100%" height="100%" />








From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of grimmwerks
Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2008 10:28 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] naming children of repeater problem with xml


Ah - think I might have a way around it with getRepeaterItem()


' pressed')"


On Apr 19, 2008, at 10:12 AM, grimmwerks wrote:

I've read this article on giving the id of a child the currentItem.Name
of a repeater:




The trouble is my xml is using attributes such as this:


<circle type="work" x="100" y="300" percent="25" />




Now on the whole most of what I'm doing to get at attributes works
EXCEPT for the id:


<mx:Repeater id="rep"

            <mx:Button  x="{Number([EMAIL PROTECTED])}"
y="{Number([EMAIL PROTECTED])}"
width="{(Number([EMAIL PROTECTED])*defaultSize)}" 

              height="{(Number([EMAIL PROTECTED])*defaultSize)}"
styleName="{String([EMAIL PROTECTED])}"
label="{String([EMAIL PROTECTED]).toUpperCase()}" 


                        toolTip="{'At the moment '+
life at the moment'}" addedEffect="blur" />

</mx:Repeater >



I can't get the currentItem type and making that the id by
id="{String([EMAIL PROTECTED])}"

I can't even 'fake it' with the currentIndex or anything:



Is there any way around this?



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