Hi Claudia,

Claudia Barnal wrote:
> Hi there,
> I have a string that needs to have some portions extracted through
> regexp and add them to an array.
> the string is something like this:
> "<fruits><banana /><orange /></fruits> <vehicles><suv /><pickup
> /><vehicles> <fruits><apple /><banana /></fruits>"
> So the regexp should return all that's between all <fruits> and
> </fruits> in this case, it should be something like this:
> "<banana /><orange /><apple /><banana />"
> then using
> myArray = myString.split(myRegexp);
> I would get an array that looks like this
> ["<banana /><orange />", "<apple /><banana />"]
> I've tried this regexp: "<fruits>.*?</fruits>" but it's not really
> working, as it gives me whatever is outside the fruit nodes.
> Any pointers?

private function init():void{

   var s:String = "<fruits><banana /><orange /></fruits>"+
     "<vehicles><suv /><pickup/><vehicles> <fruits>"+
     "<apple /><banana/></fruits>";
   var r:RegExp = /<fruits>([\w\s><\\\/]*?)<\/fruits>/gi;               
   var result:Array;

   do {         
     result = r.exec(s);

     if (result!=null)



  - shaun

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