
I am just having a slew of problems with Deep Linking in Flex 3.0.  
The documentation makes it seem so simple, but nothing seems to work 
as expected.  I've experienced:

-The example code from the documentation not working
-Vastly different behavior between browsers
-URLs failing to update with setFragment()
-The back button not changing the URL after a setFragment()
-The forward button not being enabled after a successful back button
-A myriad of other inconsistencies

So, basically, I'm just wondering if anybody else has had good 
success with deep linking.  Is it simply a buggy feature of Flex at 
this point, or am I really an inept as I seem?  :)  Are there any 
particular "gotchas" about making this whole thing work that I may be 
missing?  (I have read already that things tend to work better when 
actually deployed on a server, as opposed to run from the IDE.  All 
of my problems are on a deployed app.)

Thank you very much.


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