
I have a series of checkboxes of which I want to store the values (true or 

On a page that displays the checkboxes I need to load them from a database and 
then post any changes back to the database.

I have the server communication happening.

On the client side I pass the data up as an object:

private var cbm:Object = {
        "REQ_CW": {selected:true},
         "REQ_DCW": {selected:true},
         "REQ_DCWCO": {selected:false},
        "REQ_AW": {selected:false},
        "REQ_FW": {selected:false},
        "REQ_DAW": {selected:false},
        "REQ_DFW": {selected:false},
        "REQ_W": {selected:false},
        "REQ_FAW": {selected:false}

This I can cast to a java HashMap on the server side.

However when retrieving the data Im having a problem,
I pass back a HashMap to the client which gets received as an Object,
I can access all the values of the object correctly,


I cant bind to the object.

How do I tackle this other than populating/assigning and reading the object 
values manually?

Thanks for any help.

Luke Vanderfluit
Analyst / Web Programmer
08 8221 6422

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