I have this VO binding from java to as3:

JAVA / JDK6 - LookupStuff.java

public class LookupStuff {
    private List<ClassA> attributeA;
    private List<ClassA> attributeB;  
    private Map<String, List<ClassB>> attribute1;
    private Map<String, List<ClassC>> attribute2;
    private Map<String, List<ClassD>> attribute3;

AS3 - LookupStuff.as

    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    public class LookupData {        
        public var attributeA:ArrayCollection;
        public var attributeB:ArrayCollection;
        public var attribute1:ArrayCollection;
        public var attribute2:ArrayCollection;
        public var attribute3:ArrayCollection;
        private function myHandler(event:ResultEvent):void {
             var lookup:LookupStuff = event.result as LookupStuff;
             // lookup is null! why???
Im getting null when my actionscript handler (thru RemoteObject / ResultEvent) 
finally gets event.result. Anybody knows why? Can a Map<> and List<> interfaces 
easily maps to an AS3 ArrayCollection?

I've verified that my java code is returning a good return value (not null).

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