I wanted to update my datagrid / arraycollection with data coming from server.
the list is sorted by date field by default. if the record item exists in the 
i will replace the existing item with the new one, and if its not on the list, 
I will add it to the list.

Here is the catch, updates should be done by insert sort using uniqueId field 
while additions done by insert sort using the date field.

How do I accomplish this? 

I've tried creating two sets of Sort/ICollectionView/IViewCursor, one for 
update and another for addition. Unfortunately it did not work. Arent these 
"views" and "cursors" only a virtual window to the actual collection data?

-----is this the right way to do it?-----------------------

             var sortByUniqueKey:Sort = new Sort();  
             sortByUniqueKey.fields = [new SortField("uniqueId")];
             var sortByStartTime:Sort = new Sort();  
             sortByStartTime.fields = [new SortField("dateField")];             
              var viewSortedByUniqueKey:ICollectionView = new 
              viewSortedByUniqueKey.sort = sortByUniqueKey;
              var viewSortedByStartTime:ICollectionView = new 
              viewSortedByStartTime.sort = sortByStartTime;
              var forUpdateCursor:IViewCursor = 
              var forAdditionCursor:IViewCursor = 

 ....do stuff here on individual cursors ...
I noticed calling ICViewSortedByUniqueKey.refresh() and 
ICViewSortedByUniqueId.refresh() affects the same reference collection.

Any ideas? 

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