
I have a master detail setup with a list of sites in the master section 
and individual sites in the detail section.

In the detail section I have a form and I want to bind the form field 
values to the current site object.

When I click on a site object in the master component, the 'set' 
function in the details component sets the site and pulls the 
particulars for that site from the server.
I handle that server call (still in the details component) and copy the 
site values from the database into the site object.

The form fields in the details component are bound to the site object 
using '{}'.

Now when I alter the fields the changes are not reflected in the site 

The fields are bound to the site object so they should change when the 
site object changes.
However when the fields are changed the changes are not reflected in the 
site object and I have to manually update the fields to get this to work.

I expected the binding to work both ways. Apparently not. Is this correct.
Should I set binding programmatically and then set them both ways, like so?

BindingUtils.bindProperty(siteObject, selected, checkboxField, selected);
BindingUtils.bindProperty(checkBoxField, selected, siteObject, selected);

Can anyone shed light on this and suggest a recommended way of doing 
what I want to achieve.

Kind regards.

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