My recommendation is Charles (

BTW. If you are using Firefox, there is a bug in FF that shows
"Transferring data from ...." in the status bar all the time (Unless
you switch to another tab and back again). I just ignore this message.

On another note, posting some code may help us to help you.

--- In, "mr_delphi_developer"
> I'm trying to get my head wrapped around how to use AMFPHP with Flex3 
> using Michale Rameriz's tutorial here:
> I've got a lot of the gotchas worked out but I get nothing back from the
> DB, the statusbar just says "Transferring data from localhost" when I 
> run the code on my development system.
> Anyone have any ideas as to how I may be able to debug this stupid 
> thing? Running the Flex debugger isn't going to work because of the 
> RemoteObject.

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