When loading a ResourceModule for the Japanese language, we also want to 
apply a set of styles to change the default font to something Japanese. 
I have a solution now that loads a ja_JP_Styles.swf through StyleManager 
as well as loading a  ja_JP_ResourceModule.swf with ResourceManager but 
would like to combine the calls.

1. I know I could forget about loading external style SWFs and put 
something like

resourceManager.getString("FooBar", "globalFont"));

after setting localeChain, but I'm thinking we'll want to change other 
styles and would like to keep a generic solution like I have now, but 
cut down on the extra HTTP request. Maybe this is my only option?

2. I thought one could somehow Embed("style.css") in my Foo.properties 
ResourceBundle but it doesn't seem like that is the right path.

3. Also, I read in the proposed spec 
that one might be able to do something like the following, but it barfs 
so this feature probably didn't make it in.

global {
    fontFamily: Resource(bundle="FooBar", key="globalFont");

What is the best way to do this, am I stuck with option #1 if I want to 
just do one HTTP call when switching locales?



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