Well, i have used Jasper Reports with flex. Simply i used navigateToURL method 
to call the required servlet(Java Servlet) that does  the process of creating 
the reports.

Using IReport u have created jrxml. Right

Now using JasperReports API package convert this jrxml into PDF and push the 
contents on the browser.

Let me know if u still have difficulties.

Andrew Westberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                             I 
haven't done it yet, but I'll probably be working on this next week.  I was 
planning on generating the PDF in JasperReports server-side and downloading it 
into an html component for viewing.  Let me know if you find another solution 
for viewing PDFs in Flex.

On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 10:54 AM, gf_baggio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
                                  I am new to the Flex 3 programming and would 
like to know if someone
 has examples of how to show a jasperReport made with IReport in Flex 3.
 I managed to generate a jrxml report but need to know how to show this
 report in Flex.
 Thanks again for your help



with Regards,
Jitendra Jain
Software Engineer

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