Event properties should be thought of as read-only.  Drag/Drop events
are dispatched by the DragManager so to alter what gets dispatched would
probably require a custom DragManager which isn't officially supported.
I suppose you could intercept and re-dispatch events using capture
phase, stopImmediatePropagation and what not, but it seems like


Typically, you catch the event, and if you don't want default behavior
you call preventDefault().  Since the default behavior is insert, you
shouldn't call preventDefault if you want insert, and only if you're
going to block the insert and modify the quantity.



From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of bredwards358
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2008 10:21 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Help me understand custom drag/drop events


Shortly after posting an update to my current predicament in this
topic thread:


and staring at the current logic in my dragDrop event(Shown in above
mentioned topic), I realized something. I don't need to do anything
else other than modify the default drop event to insert new records
into my local database and not have to mess with the for-loop that
updates existing items. However, despite looking through(and still
looking at) posts on this board and pages in my book, I'm still unsure
of how to go about modifying the default drop event (or making a
custom one if that's not possible). Basically all I want to do is add
a database insert function invocation to the default event. Like I
said I'm having trouble understanding where to start so if this sounds
vague, let me know so I can help clear this up. A point in the right
direction of the breifest of tutorials on making custom drag/drop
events, a forum post containing similar subject matter, or an
explanation of where to begin would be most helpful. Thanks in advance,

Brian Ross Edwards 
Tech-Connect LLC


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