Last week working in FB3 the debug mode worked as it always had...F11
would switch perspective to Flex Debugging (if not already there) and
would stop at breakpoints. Opening it up today I find that none of my
projects are hitting any breakpoints. I can manually switch between
Dev and Debug perspectives that switch is not automatically
happening...breakpoints show as enabled but nothing is getting hit.

I can manually clear the debug panel (remove all terminated launches)
and upon hitting Debug that panel will display the same thing it
typically does when terminating debug mode:

<terminated>TTSCampus [Flex Application]        
        <terminated, exit value:

I'm using FB3 standalone w/ player version 9,0.115.0 debug version
being reported by adobe's Version Test page.

I've tried multiple projects and workspaces. I've rebooted. I've
restored defaults in the settings panel.
What could cause this?


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