Hiya all,

I have a papervision SWF file that works really well standalone, all
my images are being loaded from a remote location.

So when I call localhost:8080/swf/myfile.swf, everything is fine.

However, when I embed it into my SWFLoader

<mx:SWFLoader source="http://localhost:8080/swf/myfile.swf";
                        width="100%" height="469" horizontalAlign="left"
verticalAlign="top" mask="{loaderMask}" x="0" y="0"

I get the following error.

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert
Function-1981 to org.papervision3d.core.geom.renderables.Triangle3D.
        at org.papervision3d.core.proto::GeometryObject3D/createVertexNormals()
        at org.papervision3d.core.proto::GeometryObject3D/set ready()
        at org.papervision3d.objects.primitives::Plane/buildPlane()
        at org.papervision3d.objects.primitives::Plane()
        at com.flashloaded.Wall3D::Wall3DThumbnail()
        at com.flashloaded.Wall3D::Wall3DImage()
        at com.flashloaded.Wall3D::Wall3D/parseXML()
        at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
        at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
        at flash.net::URLLoader/onComplete()

Has anyone ever seen something like this? Is there a solution for it?
I find it bizarre that the swfloader will break an embedded flash


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