Hello all,

I've stumbled across an issue when building an application using
Cairngorm that I hope someone can help with.

The relevant part of the application is a component wrapping a
datagrid with paging/search controls.  I am having an issue
specifically with the 'jump to page' combobox.

I'm using databinding to assign the dataProvider for the combobox from
a public property on my Cairngorm ModelLocator but the problem is that
while the options for the combobox are getting populated correctly,
the selectedIndex (bound to another property of my ModelLocator) isn't
getting set.

My combobox code:

<mx:ComboBox id="pageMenu_cb"
enabled="{getPageMenuEnabled(this.recordSetVO)}" />

* recordSetVO is a reference to the ModelLocator property.

The functions used in the databinding individually all return what's
expected.  I suspect that in databinding both the dataProvider AND the
selectedIndex Flex is tripping up somehow.  Maybe there's another way
to achieve what I need - the current page to show as selected based on
the data returned (with a list of page numbers populating the combobox).

Has anyone else encountered such a problem and/or can recommend a fix ?

Thanks in advance.


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