
I'm pretty new to Flex, so I'm sure I'm missing the obvious. But here's the
situation: inside a custom component, I am displaying the contents of an
Actionscript Object (custom class).

I have a DataGrid bound to an ArrayCollection which is one of the properties
of the Object. The source array contains Value Objects which are populated
by a RemoteObject call to ColdFusion. One property of the Value Object is
also an array. So it looks like this:

Object:Config has an itemAC property. The itemAC contains an array of Item
objects. The Item is the VO. The Item contains an options:Array. The
options:Array contains optionItems. One of the properties of an optionItem
is an optionName.

So the DataProvider for my DG is {config.itemAC}. This is fine.

However, I need one column of my DG to show a simple list of the associated

I can't make the options:Array within the Item VO an ArrayCollection, or
Flex will not translate the objects sent by ColdFusion into a typed AS

So I have created an itemRenderer for the DG, in which I loop over the
options:Array in the current row's data and build a string. But of course,
this has to be updated as options are added to the array. I have tried
placing a datachange listener inside the renderer itself; but when it fires,
it's creating an infinite loop -- to the point where I can't even debug it.

At this point, I'm basically spinning wheels and I could use a little
direction. I realize this whole problem sounds pretty vague; but any advice
would be appreciated.



Tom McNeer
1735 Johnson Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30306

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