haven't done this in AIR, but with Flex generated swfs, I have used the content object of the swfloader, and I have embedded the swf loader (AIR might have to do anyway)

private var _downMeter:MovieClip;
_downMeter = meter.content.getChildAt(0).getChildAt(0).getChildByName (Consts.DOWN_METER_MC);

however, meter is loading a AS3 swf, exported to ActionScript. Indeed, I can talk to my meter.swf methods

hope it helps

worked with AIRnot sure about the AIR / Flex SWF published for web
On 21 Jun 2008, at 10:52, zhuyuzhou wrote:

I have made a flash menu in Flash with actionscript 2.0, and i put a
swfloader in my AIR application, and load that menu swf file. How can
i call the function in AIR from my flash menu? (click on menu item,
and do certain staff in AIR.


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