I'm working on a logon class in Flex 3.  I've got a login.mxml which
controls the overall views (logon/register/logout) all in the same box
depending on what state the user is in.


In the loginForm.mxml (included in the logon.mxml), I've got a function
called protected returnName():String



Function I want to call from the loginForm AS3 script:

protected function returnName():String   (I've also tried public in case
it was not available in that area of code)


   return this.username.text;



Snippet from my mxml code:





<mx:State name="loggedIn">


   <mx:AddChild position="lastChild">



       width="75%" height="50%" layout="vertical" 

       verticalScrollPolicy="off" horizontalScrollPolicy="off">


       <mx:VBox width="100%" height="100%" verticalScrollPolicy="off"

       <mx:Text text="{returnEmail()} is logged on;" />   <---------
line in question --------


           logoutSuccessful="this.currentState='onLogin()';" />    







I can't seem to figure out how to reference the method as I get the
error: 1180: Call to a possibly undefined method returnName.


I've tried:

<mx:Text text="{loginForm.returnEmail()} is logged on;" />

<mx:Text text="{login.returnEmail()} is logged on;" />

Among many others...


This is probably pretty simple.  I really appreciate your help.

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