The only way I'm able to show the hand cursor over an mx:Text element is
if I both define the cursor in the style, and include an anchor tag in
an embedded mx:htmlText. If I omit either of those things, it doesn't
work. How can I make the hand cursor appear over an ordinary mx:Text?

Here's the style:
  color: blue;
  selectable: true;
  useHandCursor: true;
  buttonMode: true;
  mouseChildren: true;

This shows the hand cursor:
    <mx:Text styleName="link" condenseWhite="true">
      <![CDATA[ <a href="event:";>linked text</a> ]]>

This does not show the hand cursor:
<mx:Text styleName="link" condenseWhite="true" text="linked text"/>

This does not show the hand cursor:
    <mx:Text styleName="link" condenseWhite="true">
      <![CDATA[ linked text ]]>

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