
I am trying to use LogAxis with the LineChart. I have attached the piece
of code. If i change the axis to Linear Axis it works but if i change to
LogAxis it fails. Can anybody let me know why????

Just copy paste the code and u will see problem.


<?xml version="1.0"?>

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml
<http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml> ">


import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;

private var medalsAC:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
{ Country: "MarketAxess", Gold:4.697984612668698E10,
Silver:1.3487203441938508E9, Bronze: 29 },
{ Country: "BondVision", Gold:
8.977944486078036E10,Silver:9.449448379732164E9, Bronze: 29 },
{ Country: "BondsOnline", Gold:
1.5702416021476257E10,Silver:7.510017963633844E9, Bronze: 14 },
{ Country: "Reuters", Gold: 8.85010640882272E9,Silver:0, Bronze: 14 },
{ Country: "BondDesk", Gold:
2.454769212781226E10,Silver:7.876736961443998E8, Bronze: 14 },
{ Country: "TWEB", Gold: 1.0921398765041035E12,Silver:0, Bronze: 14 },
{ Country: "BBG", Gold:
4.648826681492625E11,Silver:1.000755479331196E11, Bronze: 38 } ]);

<mx:Panel title="ColumnChart and BarChart Controls Example"
height="100%" width="100%" layout="horizontal">

<mx:LineChart id="column" height="100%" width="45%" paddingLeft="5"
paddingRight="5" showDataTips="true" dataProvider="{medalsAC}">

<mx:CategoryAxis categoryField="Country"/>

<mx:LogAxis interval="10"/>

<mx:LineSeries xField="Country" yField="Gold" displayName="Gold"/>
<mx:LineSeries xField="Country" yField="Silver" displayName="Silver"/>
<mx:LineSeries xField="Country" yField="Bronze" displayName="Bronze"/>

<mx:Legend dataProvider="{column}"/>


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