Probably what you need is to just turn off "auto refresh" for that fill.  Just 
override autoRefresh(List params) to return false.

Since LC DS does not know what each particular query is doing, it will refresh 
each query after performing an insert or update.   It is looking to see if 
items have been added, removed or re-ordered based on the properties you 
change.  In your case, maybe the query results are coming back in a completely 
different order so LC DS would be trying to update the order.  It might also be 
that your equals/hashCode methods of your server side VOs are not defined 
properly so after it does the auto-refresh it thinks the items are completely 
different from the way they were originally.

Turning on the server side debug logs for the Message.* and Service.* targets 
would give you a good idea of what is happening on the server.


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Steven 
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 11:53 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: DataService gives CollectionEvents for each item when 
committing one item

Anyone have any experience with Data Services?

--- In<>, "Steven 
Toth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a DataService that uses the Assembler interface approach (I
> subclassed AbstractAssembler). When I update one item in the
> Collection and commit it (autoCommit is false) I'm getting a
> PropertyChangeEvent of kind UPDATE for each item in the Collection
> the DataService. In addition I get a CollectionEvent of kind
> each item in the Collection, then a CollectionEvent of kind ADD for
> item in the Collection from the Collection itself.
> I'm assuming this is because the fill() is being called after the
> is completed. How do I commit/update the individual item so that I
> get an event (or set of events) for the item that was modified? Is
> possible when using a managed Collection or do I need to operate at
> individual item level. Am I doing something wrong (or not doing
> something at all) in the Assembler?
> I'm very experienced with Remoting and Messaging but this is my
> time dealing with DataServices. Any help, samples,etc. are greatly
> appreciated. Thanks.
> Here's the Assembler code...
> public class MyAssembler extends AbstractAssembler {
> private MyService svc = MyService.getInstance();
> public Collection fill(List fillParameters) {
> if (fillParameters.size() >= 2) {
> int fillType = FlexDataHelper.getIntPrimitive( fillParameters.get
(0) );
> Long companyId = FlexDataHelper.getLong( fillParameters.get(1) );
> switch(fillType) {
> return svc.getAllWidgets(companyId);
> return svc.getActiveWidgets(companyId);
> if (fillParameters.size() == 3) {
> Integer categoryId = FlexDataHelper.getInteger( fillParameters.get
(2) );
> return svc.getWidgets(companyId, categoryId);
> }
> }
> }
> // Throws a nice error
> return super.fill(fillParameters);
> }
> public Object getItem(Map uid) {
> return svc.getWidget( FlexDataHelper.getLong(uid.get("companyId")),
> FlexDataHelper.getInteger(uid.get("widgetId")) );
> }
> public void createItem(Object newVersion) {
> svc.saveWidget((WidgetValue)newVersion);
> }
> public void updateItem(Object newVersion, Object prevVersion, List
> changes) {
> try {
> svc.saveWidget((WidgetValue)newVersion);
> } catch (Exception e) {
> Long companyId = ((WidgetValue)prevVersion).getCompanyId();
> Integer widgetId = ((WidgetValue)prevVersion).getWidgetId();
> System.err.println("*** Throwing DataSyncException when trying to
> widget = " + widgetId);
> throw new DataSyncException(svc.getWidget(companyId, widgetId),
> }
> }
> public void deleteItem(Object prevVersion) {
> try {
> svc.deleteWidget( (WidgetValue)prevVersion );
> } catch (Exception e) {
> Long companyId = ((WidgetValue)prevVersion).getCompanyId();
> Integer widgetId = ((WidgetValue)prevVersion).getWidgetId();
> System.err.println("*** Throwing DataSyncException when trying to
> widget = " + widgetId);
> throw new DataSyncException(svc.getWidget(companyId, widgetId),
> }
> }
> Here's the Flex UI code...
> public function getWidgetsForCompany( company:CompanyValue ):void {
> var widgets:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
> var call:AsyncToken = widgetService.fill(widgets,
> QueryType.ALL_WIDGETS_FOR_COMPANY, company.companyId);
> // Add a reference to the collection that will be filled for access
> the responder
> call.useLocalData = true;
> call.localData = widgets;
> call.addResponder( responder );
> }
> public function saveWidget( widget:WidgetValue ):void {
> var call:AsyncToken;
> if (isNaN(widget.widgetId)) {
> call = widgetService.createItem(widget);
> } else {
> //Update
> call = widgetService.commit(new Array(widget), false);
> }
> call.addResponder( responder );
> }

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