your first getEstimate() shoudl do it, the second will only return to
Object in Flex.  Now, that said, I believe you need setters/getters on
all vars in your CFC, this might be the case for sending from Flex to
CF, but not sure, its been a whole year since I messed with CF that
much :)  Also note two things about CFCs and arrays.  To return a
array of foo.cfc you use returntype="[]" to specify a
array of foo.  Secondly, arrays in CFCs do not map to arraycollections
in Flex.  you can see my post here
on how to get around that if you really need a arraycollection in your
Flex UI.


On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 12:25 PM, Tom McNeer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to solve an issue I posted about earlier, where a call to a
> method of a ColdFusion CFC resulted in an error saying that the required
> parameter - Estimate - was missing, even though I could see through
> ServiceCapture that the object was, in fact, being sent.
> I'm working on the theory that it's an object translation problem. So I'm
> testing by calling a getEstimate() method on the CFC as the Flex app starts
> up, which should return an empty instance of an Estimate. However, the
> incoming result is being identified as an ObjectProxy, rather than being
> matched to the VO. And for the life of me, I can't figure out
> why. I have many other VO/CFC combinations in the application, all being
> matched up correctly. But the Estimate object just won't fly.
> I'm hoping someone here can help me figure it out.
> For reference, here's
> ========================
> package model
> {
>     [RemoteClass(alias="meridien.model.estimate")]
>     [Bindable]
>     public class Estimate
>     {
>         public var estimateID:int = 0;
>         public var order:Order = new Order;
>         public var customer:Customer = new Customer;
>         public var configAC:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection;
>         public function Estimate(data:Object = null)
>         {
>             }
>         }
>     }
> }
> =========================
> Here's estimate.cfc
> =========================
> <cfcomponent output="false">
>     <cfproperty name="estimateID" type="numeric" default="0" />
>     <cfproperty name="order" type="meridien.model.products.order" />
>     <cfproperty name="customer" type="meridien.model.customer.customer" />
>     <cfproperty name="configAC" type="array" default="">
> </cfcomponent>
> =========================
> In my getEstimate() method, I have tried creating the object which I sent to
> Flex in two ways:
> =========================
>     <cffunction name="getEstimate" access="remote" output="false"
> returntype="any">
>         <cfset var estimate =
> createObject("component","meridien.model.estimate")>
>         <cfreturn estimate />
>     </cffunction>
> ... and
>     <cffunction name="getEstimate" access="remote" output="false"
> returntype="any">
>         <cfset var estimate = structNew()/>
>         <cfset estimate['__type__'] = "meridien.model.estimate">
>         <cfset estimate['estimateID'] = 1 />
>         <cfset estimate['order'] =
> createObject("component","meridien.model.products.order") />
>         <cfset estimate['customer'] =
> createObject("component","meridien.model.customer.customer") />
>         <cfset estimate['configAC'] = arrayNew(1) />
>         <cfreturn estimate />
>     </cffunction>
> =============================
> Neither work. The nested objects -- Customer and Order -- are recognized and
> translated in Flex. But the outer Estimate object isn't.
> Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong here? (All paths are correct, by the
> way.)
> --
> Thanks,
> Tom
> Tom McNeer
> MediumCool
> 1735 Johnson Road NE
> Atlanta, GA 30306
> 404.589.0560

Douglas Knudsen
this is my signature, like it?

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