There is no reason why 


    strEMail = acUser.getItemAt(0).strEMail;


shouldn't both compile and run if the 0th item in the ArrayCollection
acUser has a property named strEMail of type String. And, in fact, I had
no problem compiling and running


    var acUser:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([ { strEMail: "foo"
} ]);

    var strEMail:String = acUser.getItemAt(0).strEMail;



It traced "foo" as one would expect.


Since getItemAt()'s return type is Object, the compiler lets you access
any property on it. (Of course, strong typing is better practice). And
when you access a property on an Object, the compiler treats that
property as having type *, which can be assigned to a String var without
casting it to a String.


Gordon Smith

Adobe Flex SDK Team



From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Sid Maskit
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2008 1:35 PM
Subject: Re: {Disarmed} Re: [flexcoders] Variable Typecasting


As someone else explained, it is better to use strongly typed objects
then generic ones. However, if you are going to use a generic one,
something like the following should work:

strEMail = GlobalVars.instance.acUser.getItemAt(0)["strEMail"] as

Two things to note here. First, if you are using a generic object, you
can access its properties using bracket offsets with the property name
in quotes. You need to do this since what you actually have is an
associative array, and the compiler cannot know what its keys are.
Second, the preferred method of casting is not to use a constructor, a
la String(whatIAmCasting), but to use the as operator, a la
whatIAmCasting as String.


----- Original Message ----
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2008 6:48:58 AM
Subject: RE: {Disarmed} Re: [flexcoders] Variable Typecasting

Wow.  This was incredibly frustrating but after playing around (and
rebooting my computer numerous times from the debugger crashing) I
finally figured out how to reference the data in the arraycollection.


I didn't have to typecast it.  However, I had to process it one function
at a time.


I tried strEMail = String(GlobalVars. instance. acUser.getItemAt
(0).strEMail) ; and that didn't work; it kept throwing an error that it
didn't know about strEMail.  After playing around I discovered that if I
broke out the functions it would work.


This is what worked for me:


private var objUser:Object;


private function blah( acUser:arrayCollect ion): void



            objUser = GlobalVars.instance .acUser.getItemA t(0);

            strEMail = String(objUser. strEMail) ;



After I got the results I wanted, I tried it again as one line and Flex
threw an error that it again didn't know about strEMail.  Perhaps that's
a bug...?




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:flexcoders@ yahoogroups. com]
On Behalf Of Scott
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2008 8:12 AM
Subject: {Disarmed} Re: [flexcoders] Variable Typecasting


It seemed to have taken that but now it's still not pulling the data in
as I would expect it.


The getItemAt(x) in reading looks like it would pull in the whole record
at 'x'.  However, it won't let me refer to the record as getItemAt(0)
.strEMail since it doesn't know strEMail exists in that collection.


In structures (in C++/Coldfusion/ etc...) I had to define the variable
names within the structure.  However, in AS3 I just defined the


[Bindable] public var acUser:ArrayCollect ion = new ArrayCollection( );


How do I access the strEMail from the array collection (or at least tell
the Flex compiler that the variable really does exist).






From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:flexcoders@ yahoogroups. com]
On Behalf Of Peter Witham
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2008 12:02 AM
Subject: {Disarmed} Re: [flexcoders] Variable Typecasting


Have you tried 


strEMail = String(GlobalVars. instance. acUser.getItemAt (0));


Do not have my machine in front of me to test but pretty sure you can
cast something that way. I know that's the way I do it to cast MovieClip




On 7/17/08, Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED] us <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote:

I'm trying to pull a variable from an arrayCollection which I know is
type String.


Here's the code:


      publicvar strEMail:String;


Private function ... 


            strEMail = GlobalVars.instance .acUser.getItemA t(0);



That above line of course throws an error because it's not sure that the
variable at (0) is actually a string even though I know it is.  In C++ I
would just tell it using a typecast that it is a string.


How can I copy that element into a variable?



Peter Witham
http://www.evolutio <> 
Internet and Multimedia developer
Certified Flash Designer. 

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